

2024-09-20 03:36:09
本文摘要:The discovery of strange, mineral veins on Mars has planetary scientists buzzing. And no wonder: the find may shed new light on the Red Planets watery past and could even help reveal whether Mars was once habitable.火星上无法解释纹路的找到让行星科学家们像蜜蜂一样嗡嗡个不时。

The discovery of strange, mineral veins on Mars has planetary scientists buzzing. And no wonder: the find may shed new light on the Red Planets watery past and could even help reveal whether Mars was once habitable.火星上无法解释纹路的找到让行星科学家们像蜜蜂一样嗡嗡个不时。这些找到能协助理解火星的有水的岁月,并且能协助问火星否曾多次合适居住于这个问题。

NASAs Curiosity rover spotted the prominent veins in Garden City. Thats the name scientists use for a geologically rich site on towering Mount Sharp (Aeolis Mons), a mountain that rises almost 3.5 miles off the Martian surface.奇怪号火星车是在花园城市找到到这些显著的纹路。花园城市是所指在夏普山上的一个地理现象非常丰富的地方。夏普山高3.5英里。

A composite image of the veins was made by combining 28 separate photos taken on March 18, 2015 by the right-eye camera of the rovers Mastcam instrument.火星号在2015年3月18号拍到了关于纹路的28张有所不同的照片,它们被组合成了一张照片(即右图)。冰淇淋三明治是下面这样的忘了一张奇怪号的照片Some of them look like ice-cream sandwiches: dark on both edges and white in the middle, Linda Kah, a member of the Curiosity science team at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, said in a written statement.奇怪号火星车的科学小组成员琳达在一份书面声明中说:有些纹路像冰淇淋三明治:两边白中间红。According to Kah and her colleagues, the veins -- which jut out 2.5 inches above a patch of eroded bedrock -- likely formed when fluids moved through cracked rock and deposited minerals. The light veins are made of calcium sulfate, which has been found by the rover in other nearby locations, according to the researchers.琳达和她的同事说道,这些纹路坐落于一块生锈的岩床上,低为2.5英寸。


The dark veins? Theyre a bit of a mystery.亮纹路?它们有点谜样。Theres something very different of these veins than what we have seen prior [sic], Kah told the Los Angeles Times.琳达说道:亮纹路和我们之前看见的亮纹路深感有所不同。

The researchers hope further analysis will yield new clues about the chemical make-up of the fluids that deposited the veins, as well as the changing environmental conditions on ancient Mars. So far, they believe both types of veins formed after the mud in a lake at Mount Sharps base dried up and hardened, reported, and the dark veins were deposited prior to the light ones.研究员们期望对纹路的分析能展现出更好的关于构成纹路液体的成分的线索,同时也期望获得远古火星环境变化的线索。目前为止,研究员们指出这两种纹路都是在夏普山的湖里的泥土变干变软后构成的;亮纹路比亮纹路再行构成。The finding adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that ancient Mars had key ingredients for life. Just last week, Curiosity discovered a biologically useful form of nitrogen in samples of sand and mudstone.这些纹路的找到增大了火星有生命所须要关键物质的猜测。就在上个星期,奇怪号在沙和泥岩的样本中找到了氮的有用作生命构成的一种不存在形式。

The rover landed on Mars on August 6, 2012 and reached the base of Mount Sharp on September 11, 2014.奇怪号火星车在2012年8月6日登岸火星,在2014年9月11日抵达夏普山脚下。


