
‘best365官网下载最新版本免费版’iPhone 6尚未获得中国入网许可

2024-09-21 03:16:02
本文摘要:Apple’s iPhone 6 has passed a key regulatory hurdle in China but still has not received permission to be sold in the country, according to Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency.中国官方的新华社报导称之为,苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone 6在中国通过了一项关键的监管障碍,但未有准许在中国销售。

Apple’s iPhone 6 has passed a key regulatory hurdle in China but still has not received permission to be sold in the country, according to Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency.中国官方的新华社报导称之为,苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone 6在中国通过了一项关键的监管障碍,但未有准许在中国销售。The announcement was the first official indication of what had been behind the delayed launch of the company’s latest mobile phone in one of its most important markets. Earlier this week Apple had said only that it would not be launching in China alongside its debut elsewhere today, but had given no explanation for the delay.这是中国官方首次似乎苹果最新款手机在其最重要市场之一延后发售的原因。

本周早些时候,苹果公司仅有回应,iPhone 6首日发售地区不还包括中国,但没说明延后的原因。Xinhua said the phone had received regulatory approval for use on domestic frequencies but still requires one more licence – a network access license – before it will be allowed to be sold in the country.新华社回应,iPhone 6已取得监管机构批准后用于国内频率,但它仍须要取得一项劲射许可牌照,然后才能在中国销售。

Apple declined to comment.苹果公司拒绝接受置评。China is vital to Apple’s growth story, as Western smartphone markets approach saturation.随着西方智能手机市场相似饱和状态,中国市场对苹果公司的快速增长故事十分关键。Apple has said that it received more than 4m pre-orders for its latest iPhones in the first 24 hours last week. But analysts are split over whether Apple can beat last year’s first-weekend sales of 9m without China, which was part of the launch of the iPhone 5s and 5C.苹果公司回应,最新款iPhone手机上周公布后,最初24小时内预售量多达400万部。

但对于苹果能否在没中国市场的情况下多达去年首个周末的900万部销量,分析师们意见不一。去年发售的是iPhone 5s和iPhone 5C,首日发售地区还包括中国。“This year investors are somewhat cautious about how the exclusion of China could impact first weekend sales,” said Walter Piecyk, analyst at BTIG Research. He expects more than 10m units to be shipped in the first weekend.BTIG Research的分析师沃尔特佩西克(Walter Piecyk)回应:“今年投资者对中国市场缺席将如何影响首个周末销量有些慎重。”他预计首个周末的销量将不会多达1000万部。

Toni Sacconaghi, analyst at Bernstein, estimated that 7m-8m units would be sold. This would be the first time an iPhone had declined over the prior year on its first three days on sale. Nonetheless, he said this could help to boost sales in China after December, smoothing out the usual spike in a new iPhone’s first three months. Without the second critical license, Apple has not yet said when it will begin to sell the iPhone 6 in China.伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)的分析师纳尼萨科纳吉(Toni Sacconaghi)估算销量将为700万至800万部。若果真如此,将是新的iPhone手机头3天销量首次高于往年。然而,萨科纳吉回应,这有可能有助在12月份之后提高中国销量,让新的iPhone手机预售头3个月一般来说经常出现的销量剧增较为陡峭。

在仍未取得劲射许可的情况下,苹果没解释何时开始在中国销售iPhone 6。The news came as Apple released a new website detailing its approach to privacy. While Apple has sought to distance itself from Silicon Valley peers such as Google over its handling of personal information, especially as it moves into new areas such as health tracking and payments, the iPhone maker has faced criticism in China for allegedly revealing “state secrets” to US intelligence agencies. Apple denied the claim.新华社公开发表上述报导之际,苹果公司通车了一个新的网站概述其隐私政策。尽管苹果谋求在个人信息处理方面与谷歌(Google)等硅谷同行拉开距离,特别是在是在它转入身体健康跟踪和缴纳等新领域之际,但iPhone制造商仍在中国面对向美国情报机构泄漏“国家秘密”的指控。苹果坚称这项谴责。

One person familiar with Apple’s position in China said it was hard to separate these political attacks from more technical regulatory delays.一位理解苹果在中国市场地位的人士回应,很难将这些政治反击与更加技术性的监管推迟分离。It has also emerged that Apple has been seeking to appoint a head of law enforcement in Beijing, which would involve facilitating requests by the Chinese government for data on Apple users in China.还有消息称之为,苹果谋求在北京任命一个执法人员主管,这个职务将牵涉到因应中国政府提供境内苹果用户数据的催促。As part of a push for faster internet service for its users, Apple has begun storing users’ personal data on servers in China, which makes them vulnerable to access by Chinese authorities.作为提高用户互联网服务速度的希望的一部分,苹果开始在中国境内的服务器存储用户的个人数据,但此举也让这些数据更容易被中国当局提供。Many companies such as Google have moved their servers abroad rather than risk the political and moral dilemmas of having to submit to information requests by the Chinese government.谷歌等许多公司将它们的服务器移往到中国境外,而不是冒险面临政治和道德上的两难境地——被迫不应中国政府拒绝递交数据。


