

2024-09-21 22:54:34
本文摘要:Chinas Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) has detected a repeating fast radio burst (FRB) -- mysterious radio signals from outer space -- for the first time, Science and Technology Daily reported.据《科技日报》报导,中国500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)首次观测到较慢射电暴(FRB)多次重复愈演愈烈,FRB这种谜样的无线电信号来自于宇宙的深处。

Chinas Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) has detected a repeating fast radio burst (FRB) -- mysterious radio signals from outer space -- for the first time, Science and Technology Daily reported.据《科技日报》报导,中国500米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)首次观测到较慢射电暴(FRB)多次重复愈演愈烈,FRB这种谜样的无线电信号来自于宇宙的深处。Scientists on the FAST project with the National Astronomical Observatories of China, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed the news last Wednesday.中国科学院国家天文台FAST项目的科学家在上周三公布了这一消息。The FRB originated some three billion light years away from Earth. Interference factors including aircraft and satellites have been eliminated and cross validation is being carried out, the scientists said.科学家称之为,这个“宇宙深处的谜样射电信号”升空源距离地球大约30亿光年,目前已回避了飞机和卫星等阻碍因素,先前交叉检验正在展开之中。

FRB has since become one of the hottest topics in astronomy. It was not until 2007 when the first FRB was discovered by humans. Fewer than 100 FRBs have been detected internationally to date.作为近年来天文学界的热门话题,直到2007年人们才第一次观测到较慢射电暴。截至目前,全世界观测到的较慢射电暴将近100次。

There is still no cohesive explanation for the origin of FRB in the international scientific community at present. FRBs mostly only appear once, which makes them very hard to track.迄今为止,国际科学界尚能没关于较慢射电暴起源的合理说明。一般来说情况下,较慢射电暴经常出现一次之后再行无踪迹,从而造成跟踪工作十分艰难。The FRB detected by FASTs real-time detection terminal, however, is one that has been observed before, said Zhang Xinxin, an assistant engineer with the NAOC.国家天文台助理工程师张馨心回应,FAST这次用于动态观测终端观测到的较慢射电暴之前也曾观测到过。

Known as FRB121102, it was first discovered in 2012 and found to repeat in 2015. Analysis of data later located the source of the signal coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away.该射电暴被命名为FRB121102,2012年首次找到,2015年捕捉到其反复愈演愈烈。通过随后的数据分析,其信号源坐落于一个距离地球大约30亿光年的矮星系中。

The first pulse from FRB121102 was spotted by FAST on Aug 30. After this, the telescope recorded dozens of pulses from the FRB over the course of days. On Sept 3 alone, more than 20 pulses were detected.8月30日上午,FAST首次动态观测到来自FRB121102的脉冲。此后,倒数多日,FAST每天观测到了数十个来自FRB121102的脉冲,仅有在9月3日当天就观测到20多个。The number of enigmatic bursts detected so far is too small to draw any conclusions, Zhang said.张馨心回应,目前观测到的较慢射电暴太少,尚且无法得出结论任何结论。FAST, the worlds largest single-dish radio telescope, has a certain edge in detecting repeated FRBs. This is because the 19-beam receiver installed on FAST, covering frequency ranges of 1.05 -- 1.45 GHz, is very sensitive to radio signals, Zhang said.张馨心称之为,FAST是世界上仅次于的单口径射电望远镜,非常适合重复性射电暴的搜索。



